Bounty Hunters
An 2
(Vol. 0)
Les Deux Versions de l'Histoire
(Two Sides to Every Sortie)
An 3
(Vol. 1)
Les plus dangereux de la galaxie
(Galaxy's Deadliest - Bounty Hunters #1-5)
(Vol. 2)
Cible Valance
(Target Valance - Bounty Hunters #6-7)
(Vol. 3)
Affrontement au Terminus
(The Terminus Gauntlet - Bounty Hunters #8-10)
(Vol. 4)
La Grande Chasse de Malastare
(The Great Hunt of Malastare - Bounty Hunters #11)
(Vol. 4.5)
Cible Solo
(Prelude: Target Solo - Bounty Hunters #12)
(Vol. 5)
War of the Bounty Hunters - Bounty Hunters
(War of the Bounty Hunters - Bounty Hunters #13-17)
(Vol. 6)
Crimson Reign - Bounty Hunters
(Crimson Reign - Bounty Hunters #18-22)
(Vol. 7)
En grand : Dengar !
(A clear and present Dengar - Bounty Hunters #23)
(Vol. 8)
L'attaque contre le Vermillion
(Raid on the Vermillion - Bounty Hunters #24-26)
(Vol. 9)
Chaos au disco d'Accrétion
(Havoc at the Accretion disco - Bounty Hunters #27-28)
(Vol. 10)
Le bourbier de Bestine
(Bedlam on Bestine - Bounty Hunters #29-31)
(Vol. 11)
Les Traqueurs Egarés
(The Lost Findsmen - Bounty Hunters #32)
(Vol. 12)
Dans le viseur de l'Escouade Inferno
(In the crosshairs of Inferno Squad - Bounty Hunters #33-34)
(Vol. 13)
Cible : Fett
(Target : Fett - Bounty Hunters #35-36)
(Vol. 14)
Dark Droids - Bounty Hunters
(Dark Droids - Bounty Hunters #37-41)
(Vol. 15)
L'Arme Secrète
(The Secret Weapon - Bounty Hunters #42)