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Aucune "Ultimate Edition" prévue pour la bande originale
Sony Music rapporte une information inquiétante...
Sony Music Soundtrax a précisé que, pour l'instant, “... aucune Ultimate Edition n'était prévue”.

C'est Sony Music qui a sortie les B.O des épisodes 1 et 2 et l'Ultimate Edition de la B.O de l'épisode 1. L'information est donc sérieuse et importante.

Voici l'information qui est la réponse à un e-mail du fan club américain de John Williams:
“While I am very pleased by the work that composer John Williams has done for Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, I am not at all happy with its representation on CD.

I eagerly await the inevitable expanded release.

However, I sincerely hope that Sony does not produce another so-called “Ultimate Edition” like the 2-CD set that eventually appeared for The Phantom Menace.

Mr. Williams’ score for Attack of the Clones must have undergone significant tweaking and adjustment during post-production. His music is all chopped up and tracked into different portions of the film, even more so than with the previous movie. There are even sections of other Star Wars scores littered throughout the final mix!

To give us the score “as heard in the film” would be doing a disservice to fans of John Williams’ music, and would in fact misrepresent the music itself.

Please release all of the purported 110 minutes of music that John Williams composed for this film, and present it as the composer originally intended for it to be heard. Please do not give us the bi-product of George Lucas’ constant tinkering.”

Peut être que Star Wars change de distributeur pour la B.O ... Ou encore que le dvd va contenir une piste isolée...

Toute les hypotèses sont possibles... Dans tout les cas le doute s'installe !
Affaire à suivre donc...
Parution : 29/05/2002
Source : R2/Viguier
Validé par : Rolyat
Section : Films > Cast et Prod
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