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Nouveau Roman de Sean Williams

De 1977 jusqu'en Août 2014, de nombreux romans, comics et beaux-livres ont fait vivre l'Univers Star Wars. Venez discuter de ces œuvres, qui ont désormais acquis le statut de "Legends"...

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Messagepar Qrrl » Ven 24 Avr 2009 - 22:25   Sujet: Nouveau Roman de Sean Williams

Et encore un roman annoncé, par Sean Williams à qui l'on doit la version roman de The Force Unleashed
pas plus d'infos pour le moment mais Sue devrait nous en dire plus d'ici quelques semaines...

One of the terrible things about the Victorian bushfires is the legacy of suffering and hardship that will last for months to come. Hence a number of ongoing initiatives to help raise money to help those in need. This post is about a new one, something that's been in the works for a while but is now officially official (as opposed to being on Facebook and eBay). Thanks to some most excellent and hardworking fans, you can now bid for a piece of the Star Wars universe via the links above, or through the post on the Star Wars blog.

[info]karenmiller tells the tale better than I ever could:

A bunch of truly wonderful Aussie Star Wars fans have organised a charity auction to raise money for the victims of the February bushfires in Victoria. Sean Williams and I got together, wondering how we could help, and we came up with the idea to auction off a character in our upcoming Star Wars novels. Lucasfilm gave us their blessing, so now two lucky Star Wars fans with deep pockets *g* can win a walk on appearance in the Star Wars universe!

The winning bidders will have their names given a Star Wars makeover, and the new name will be assigned by us to one of our original characters.

So smash open that piggy box! Raid the stash you've been saving for a rainy day! This kind of offer doesn't come along very often. You don't want to miss it!

PS. I guess this also means that I can tell you that I'm writing another Star Wars novel, but I can't tell you which one. Stay tuned.

et la réponse de Sue:
So, the Charity auction for the Australian brush
fires has led to the revelation that Sean Williams is
writing a new SW book.

Yes, this is true. I don't exactly know what's holding up the info release.
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Messagepar Onimi » Sam 25 Avr 2009 - 9:45   Sujet: Re: Nouveau Roman de Sean Williams

Ma foi, des romans, on en a jamais assez :D
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Messagepar Scorps » Sam 25 Avr 2009 - 11:58   Sujet: Re: Nouveau Roman de Sean Williams

Avec ce bouquin, il y aura au moins un fan heureux, le gars à qui ont donnera son nom à un personnage du bouquin. Je me demande à combien les enchères s'élèveront pour gagner ce privilège. :siffle:
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Messagepar TAWAK » Jeu 05 Nov 2009 - 11:20   Sujet: Re: Nouveau Roman de Sean Williams

On sait maintenant ce que le petit Sean va écrire : litterature-f9/the-old-republic-le-roman-de-sean-williams-t12409.html :) !

Je ferme donc ce sujet et vous invite à continuer la discussion là bas :wink:
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