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Forgotten Ones - Defiant Until Time (Star Wars Fan Series)

MessagePosté: Ven 08 Oct 2021 - 9:19
par zetelbi2
Star Wars: Defiant Until Time

A squad new and fresh from Kamino set out of their first mission, a rescue mission aboard a Republic ghost ship. As they venture further through, they unfold the ships secrets as horrors unfold...

Before we continue our journey with Captain Lock in 'Forgotten Ones' we first need to go back before the events of 'Forgotten Ones' and see the traumatic and trilling events with K-Squad.


This project alone took 4 months to complete the quickest me and couple of others have ever worked on such an ambitious project. I hope you all enjoyed, If you don't mind please leave a like or comment and share to your friends, its the awesome support from fans that keeps me going. Thank you for stopping by, and have a great day/night you awesome person!
