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Lucas s'est-il inspiré d'autres récits pour créer la Force ?

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Messagepar MaîtreGormo » Ven 21 Mar 2014 - 17:05   Sujet: Lucas s'est-il inspiré d'autres récits pour créer la Force ?

George Lucas a-t-il inventer la force avec l'aide d'autre récit et si oui lesquels ???
Merci d'avance
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Messagepar darkfunifuteur » Ven 21 Mar 2014 - 19:35   Sujet: Re: Lucas s'est-il inspiré d'autres récits pour créer la For

le Wookiee dans la section Behin the scene dit :
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The principles of the Force resonate with those of some real world religions, including the Shinto religion of Japan, Buddhism, Taoism, and certain Celtic druidic concepts. The Force also bears a close similarity to the Chinese notion of qigong, or "chi," and the splitting of the Force into light side and dark sides echoes the concept of "Yin" and "Yang" in Eastern philosophy (though this is not a perfect translation, as the dark side is considered a force of evil by the Jedi and this moral duality is not the same as the Eastern concept). Along with the concepts of "Yin" and "Yang," the concept of a ubiquitous Force is concurrent to the real world concept of a "Tao" or "Way," which is said to flow everywhere in the universe. The concept of the Force also borrows heavily from Hindu theology, which also expresses a belief in a unifying Brahman energy that composes and is a composite of the Universe (and by extension, God), and can be used for either good or bad. In fact, this is particularly similar to the concept of the Potentium and the Unifying Force in that while the power can be perverted for evil, it ultimately leads only to a conclusion that is good.

A connection could be drawn to Zoroastrianism with the duality of the Force. The dichotomy between Ahura Mazda (the One God) and Angra Mainyu/Ahrima (the evil spirit) is nearly identical to the concept of the light and dark sides of the Force. Another connection can be drawn is spirits; in response to Christian philosophies: Jedi spirits resemble God's angels and/or saints, and dark side Sith spirits (most often of Sith Lords) as souls in purgatory or hell or even perhaps devils themselves.

Another connection that can be made is towards the Hebrew religion and how it treated blood: Blood is the life source of every living creature, and during temple sacrifices, the Hebrews make sure to spill as much blood as possible, to "return" the life force of the animal back to God. This coincides with the whole concept of the Force; the person's strength in the Force is found in the person's blood.

In truth, the Force is an amalgamation of many religions and philosophies, and is intended as a metaphor for spirituality itself. As in real world spirituality, there is the potential for a "light" and a "dark" side in each person as well as the universe at large.

It has also been quoted[source?] that George Lucas' study of the works of Carlos Castenda's books which followed Mexican Native American teachings may have help to lead to Yoda's description of the Force as a energy force that emanates from all beings luminous in appearance. Carlos Castenda's studies stated that we are all luminous "eggs" with "lines of power" that stretch from our bodies and connect us to the overlying "force of nature" that exists in our universe according to ancient Native American Shamanistic tradition. Only those trained in the tradition of the correct Native American traditions allow users to "see" the human's true nature as Luminous "eggs" not the "crude matter" we all exist as.

There is some indication that the Force is unique to the galaxy, and not a universal power. This is suggested by Obi-Wan's quote "binds the galaxy together" instead of "universe". This also explains why the Force was already known to several species before the formation of the Jedi, instead of the galaxy possessing a greater diversity of religions. However, Obi Wan's claim is most likely just a turn of phrase, such as when someone says "world" but really means "everything in existence." It has been revealed that the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong were force immune, although they were Force-wielders once.

The non-canon film Willow, which was the subject of an April Fool's Day 2006 Databank update, presents species which use fantasy magic spells, a power nearly identical to the Force. According to the previously mentioned entries, the planet of Andowyne, which the Databank claims is the world seen in Willow, was the home of the midi-chlorian lifeform.

Despite great controversy regarding the truth of the Force in-universe, the matter was clearly settled in Wizards of the Coast's soucebooks, such as the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook and the Jedi Academy Training Manual, which established that the Jedi Order has the best understanding of the Force among all other Force traditions, and the Jedi way of classifying and viewing the Force is the correct one, as intended by the creators of Star Wars licenses.
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Messagepar Chadax » Ven 21 Mar 2014 - 20:55   Sujet: Re: Lucas s'est-il inspiré d'autres récits pour créer la For

Il y a aussi un dossier SWU qui en parle, ici. ;)
Vieux schnock

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Messagepar MaîtreGormo » Sam 22 Mar 2014 - 11:29   Sujet: Re: Lucas s'est-il inspiré d'autres récits pour créer la For

Merci pour cette super doc :D !
Maintenant on sait qui est le chef de Dark Sidious ... C'est Mickey !
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